Deepak Dugar MD
Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Center, POP-UP CLINIC in New York City on May 5th, 2023!

Dr. Dugar will be seeing in-person Rhinoplasty consultation patients at Dr. Sachin M. Shridharani's office in NYC for one day only on May 5th, 2023:

LUXURGERY©880 5th Ave 1 ABCD
New York, NY 10021

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Scarless Nose

Destressing Activities to Make You Look and Feel Beautiful

  1. Meditation- put your phone away, or turn it off and take deep breaths.
  2. Painting- artist or not, painting is an amazing way to let go of stress as it drives your thoughts toward something else!
  3. Working out- sometimes all the pent up stress you have just needs to be let go via exercise! This also releases endorphins! Endorphins are your happy hormones!
  4. Take a warm bath with essential oils (eucalyptus/rosehip oil) and light a few candles.
  5. Hangout with a pet. Animals are known to be highly relaxing for humans!

Another great way to handle stress is doing something for yourself! Come on in to the Scarless Medspa™ for a consultation on ways you can treat yourself!

Scarless Medspa™

Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Center™


Phone: 310.276.1703

Email: info(at)scarlessnose(dotted)com


Dr. Deepak Dugar

Director of Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Center - Home of the Scarless Nose™ (Closed Rhinoplasty) Director of Scarless Med Spa

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