With many travel bans in effect all over the world, what can we do to stay busy at home? It’s very important at this time to limit stress so we can stay healthy and keep our immune systems strong. Stress on the mind and body can lead to a weak immune system. During this time, we want to strengthen our bodies and immune systems more than ever so we can fight off any possible virus, bacteria, or pathogen.
Some good ideas of ways to limit stress would be to:
- Limit or cut out listening and watching the news and media. If it causes unnecessary stress to constantly hear and talk about the current health climate, don’t do it!
- Don’t dwell on conversations had with friends, family members, or co-workers about COVID-19. Try to limit these stressful interactions as well.
- Meditate, breathe, and calm yourself. Download a meditation or peaceful app to help you, or you can go for a walk and practice mindfulness, focusing on your breath and the earth beneath your feet!
- Buy a diffuser! Scents such as lavender, eucalyptus, and lemongrass have been shown to decrease stress. Use your diffuser to spread the stress-relieving scent all around your room!
In addition to limiting stress to help our immune systems fight off any sickness this season, we also must eat well and exercise! Some helpful tips for staying healthy are:
- Eat fresh, clean fruits and veggies. Clean your hands well before eating and clean your fruits and veggies well with water and veggie wash.
- Eat local honey. Adding honey from local bees in your area to tea and the food you eat can add helpful antibacterial properties to your diet! And honey is a great antioxidant which is helpful in preventing sickness.
- Get active! Getting exercise and moving your body also reduces stress and anxiety, so go for a walk, or do a fitness class via Youtube.
If you are going to be out in public at this time, just be mindful of germs and try to keep a 3 feet distance from any sick or coughing persons, and wash your hands before and after any interactions with people or money. Avoid touching other people, no hand shakes, and do not touch your face.
Luckily, with traffic being light on the streets, head over to Scarless Med Spa for Botox injections, Lip/Facial fillers, or Scarless Nose Consultations!
Schedule your appointment with us by phone at 310.276.1703 or you can email us at info(at)scarlessnose(dotted)com and we would be happy to book your appointment!
Scarless Medspa™
Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Center™
Website: www.Scarlessnose.com
Phone: 310.276.1703