Dr. Deepak Dugar is a world-renowned rhinoplasty surgeon who specializes specifically in closed rhinoplasty procedures. Dr. Dugar is an expert at his craft and personalizes a specific surgery plan for each one of his patients depending on their unique wants and concerns. Here at Scarless Nose™, Dr. Dugar and his staff assist each surgery patient to ensure the best post-operative recovery possible.
For starters, closed scarless nose™ rhinoplasty does not require any external incisions of the nose. All incisions are made within the inside of the nose, allowing for a scarless look. Because of this, recovery for a closed rhinoplasty is generally easier than that of an open rhinoplasty. There are fewer incisions which are less invasive than that of an open rhinoplasty. This typically allows for faster healing times. The incisions themselves, which are inside the nose, heal on their own in approximately 3-4 weeks with the aid of an antibacterial ointment. The stitches do not require removal and easily dissolve on their own.
Just like any rhinoplasty procedure, it is expected that you will experience some swelling and sensitivity after your procedure. This is all very normal and is part of the recovery process. Depending on your specific bodily anatomy and your specific surgery plan, every patient’s recovery may differ slightly. Some patients may experience some bruising around the eyes for the first 2 weeks following their procedure while others may experience none at all. However, in the case a patient does bruise, it is very minimal and typically resolves within the first two weeks after surgery. With closed rhinoplasty, all patients will experience swelling of the nose after their surgery. You should expect for it to take at least 6 weeks for major swelling to diminish. Following these 6 weeks, patients will still experience minimal swelling of the nose. It generally takes about 1-2 years for all swelling to subside and for the patient’s nose to settle into its final state. Patience is very important for the recovery process, however, it is all very worth it in the end! Additionally, we provide all of our patients with specific post-operative, after-care techniques to ensure optimal and comfortable recovery.
Understanding the aftercare and recovery process after a closed rhinoplasty is important when making the decision to undergo surgery. If you are interested in getting a closed rhinoplasty, make a consultation appointment today to personally speak to Dr. Dugar about your nose anatomy and the surgery process. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact our office and we will gladly assist you with anything you may need!
Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Center™
Scarless Medspa™
Website: www.Scarlessnose.com
Phone: (310) 276-1703
Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +1 (310) 276-1703