How does PRP hair restoration work? PRP hair treatment is a non-surgical procedure using the patient’s own plasma to diminish the effects of hair loss. PRP hair treatment is a great choice for both men and women struggling with mild hair loss. 

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. In PRP hair treatment, the patient’s own blood is sampled and processed to be used in the treatment. Utilizing platelet-rich plasma is not new in the medical world. Medical experts have already been using PRP to help heal tissues, ligaments, and tendons. However, more recently doctors have realized and have put to use the growth factors of PRP to help with hair loss. Hair loss can be caused from a variety of factors including stress and anxiety, and improper nutrition. Men who start experiencing hair loss at a young age are great candidates for PRP hair treatment. 

To prepare the platelet-rich plasma, a small blood sample is drawn from the patient, typically from their arm. Then that sample is run through a centrifuge, a machine that separates parts of the blood based on their density. The centrifuge separates the now platelet-rich plasma from the other components of the blood. The PRP is extracted from this solution. The PRP is then injected to areas experiencing hair loss using a syringe. 

With the injection of the patient’s own platelets, the body is stimulated to promote hair growth. Platelets aid the body in cell regeneration and growth. Platelets also secrete growth factors that trigger the body to heal tissues, ligaments, tendons, and in the case of hair loss, hair follicles. The platelet-rich plasma that is injected into the body during the procedure has almost five times the concentration of platelets than in the average blood stream. Medical experts believe that these platelets penetrate deep into the skin to the base of the hair follicle, triggering hair growth cells. 

However, the key with PRP hair restoration is consistency. Patients will not see any improvement after one session. Rather, Dr. Deepak Dugar recommends that his patients at the Scarless MedSpa receiving PRP hair treatment do at least four sessions, with each session about one month apart. However, with patience and consistent treatment PRP hair restoration has been extremely rewarding for patients at Scarless MedSpa. PRP hair treatment is a great option for individuals who are in early stages of their hair loss, or are experiencing mild hair thinning or loss. However, if an individual is seeking a dramatic fix to their hair loss, they may consider a more extensive procedure such as a hair graft. 

PRP hair treatment at Scarless MedSpa takes on average thirty to forty minutes a session. There is no down time, and not visible evidence of the procedure. No one besides you and your doctor would know you are undergoing PRP treatment! Some patients may experience some tenderness of the scalp, but that soreness generally subsides quickly. PRP hair restoration is a very low risk, easy procedure for individuals interested in a fuller head of hair. See here to learn more about PRP hair treatment at Scarless MedSpa. 

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