Deepak Dugar MD
Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Center, POP-UP CLINIC in New York City on May 5th, 2023!

Dr. Dugar will be seeing in-person Rhinoplasty consultation patients at Dr. Sachin M. Shridharani's office in NYC for one day only on May 5th, 2023:

LUXURGERY©880 5th Ave 1 ABCD
New York, NY 10021

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a female patient's face after a non surgical rhinoplasty

Post-Op Instructions Q&A

Deepak raj Dugar, md

Plastic Surgeon located in Beverly Hills, CA

A lot of surgeons are comfortable with using scarring procedures when it comes to performing Rhinoplasty, but Dr. Dugar goes above and beyond for his patients. At Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Center™ located in Los Angeles, CA, Dr. Dugar offers Closed Scarless Rhinoplasty for his patients.

CONGRATULATIONS on having your Scarless Nose™ Rhinoplasty surgery with Dr. Dugar!

We want you to be as comfortable as possible in the immediate postop period and wanted to answer a lot of the most common questions you or your loved ones may have.

Please peruse the list below as they may be pertinent to you and your surgery!

Please call our office if you have any questions or concerns at 310.276.1703 and you will be connected to the medical assistant, nurse, or doctor immediately.


Q: Do I have to take my pain pills?

A: No, if you are not feeling pain, you do not have to take any pain medication. Tylenol is BEST for headaches and for mild pain. Most patients don’t take any medication after 2 days postop. Tylenol is ok up to the first week as needed. Follow instructions on the Tylenol bottle and do not exceed the recommended dosing.

Q: Do I have to take my sleeping pills?

A: No, if you are not having trouble sleeping you do not have to take the sleeping medication and we encourage you not to. Most patients don’t take any medication after 2 days postop.

Q: Do I have to take my nausea pills?

A: No, if you are not having nausea you do not have to take the nausea medication and we encourage you not to. Most patients don’t take any medication after 2 days postop.

Q: What do I do if I am having a reaction to the antibiotics?

A: Discontinue using the antibiotics and call us immediately and we will change you to a different antibiotic. Please google and call a local pharmacy near you to ensure they are open, and we will call the new antibiotic in for you.

Q: Do I have to take my Antibiotics?

A: YES you MUST take your antibiotics and should start the morning after the day of your surgery (post op day 1). Antibiotics are mandatory and must be taken.

Q: I had breathing surgery and have sponges in my nose - Do i still use the ointment?

A: YES, you still use the ointment in the front of the nose 5-6 times a day even if you have sponges in your nose. If you didn’t have breathing surgery, you will not have sponges inside your nose.

Q: Do I need to use oil inside my nose?

A: Only patients who have had breathing surgery will use oil inside their nose. The oil will be given to you on Post Operative Day 2 at your visit when the sponges are removed. If you had a Rhinoplasty alone (no breathing surgery) you do NOT need to use oil inside the nose and will not be given any.

Q: What happens if the arnica makes me feel itchy?

A: If the arnica gives you any sense of negative reaction including but not limited to swelling, itchiness, or bumps, then STOP the use of it immediately. It is NOT mandatory to use.

Q: What do I do if I am extremely nauseous?

A: Most nausea from the anesthesia will subside in the first day. Should you have continued nausea, it is most likely from the pain medication, and we recommend stopping the pain medication and taking Tylenol ONLY for pain (if needed). Within 2 days all the nausea should subside and you may take the nausea medication as needed.

Q: What do I do if I haven’t had a bowel movement?

A: It is normal to have constipation post-operatively from the anesthesia process. If you do not have a bowel movement within 2 days, we recommend buying over the counter stool softeners from a local pharmacy (Colace and Senna are the most common medication the pharmacist will advise you to take). Should constipation last over 3-4 days, we recommend suppositories or enemas which can be purchased over the counter at a pharmacy.

Q: What do I do if I have a fever?

A: It is normal to have a fever up to 48 hours after surgery as you body is recovering from the surgery and anesthesia process. We recommend using Tylenol over the counter for fever. If it persists past the first 48 hours, notify us.

Q: Where do I get more gloves?

A: We encourage you to purchase more gloves at any local pharmacy including Rite Aid, CVS pharmacy, Target etc as soon as possible so you have an abundant supply ready for 6 weeks of icing.


Q: How long do I have to wear my nasal drip pad for?

A: You only have to wear the nasal drip pad if you are currently bleeding from your nose or have excessive drainage from your nose. This usually subsides two full days after surgery. Once you are no longer bleeding or draining, you do not have to wear the drip pad.

Q: Is it normal to be bleeding?

A: Yes, it is very normal to be bleeding on and off, especially for the first two days. It is normal to bleed through and soak the gauze every 30 minutes in the first two days. You only have to wear the nasal drip bad if you are bleeding actively.

If you are bleeding more than you are comfortable with and soaking through gauze every couple of minutes, please call the office at 310-276-1703 and you will be connected to the medical assistant, nurse, or doctor immediately.

Q: Is it normal to have redness in the white part of my eye?

A: Yes, while this is uncommon, it can occur in some patients. Continue to ice the area of the nose and the redness will go away on its own. It will have no effect on the healing process.

Q: Is it normal to have severe bruising?

A: While most patients do not have much bruising at all, some patients are more sensitive and can have severe bruising. This is very normal and will completely go away. Icing 5-6 times a day will help it go away faster. Bruising has no consequence on the long term healing or your final result.


Q: Is it normal to have severe swelling around my eyes, or swell up even more the second day after surgery?

A: Yes, swelling is very normal after surgery. Some patients are more sensitive than others and can have extreme swelling around the eyes. To combat the swelling, make sure to ice 5-6 times daily. The swelling will not interfere with the recovery process and will resolve with icing over 5-7 days.


Q:How do I wash my hair?

A: You can wash your hair in the sink with the help of another individual. You can also go to any hair salon (we have one downstairs in our building) and have them wash your hair for you. The only rule is : Do not get the cast wet!

Q: Can I shower?

A: Yes, you can shower from the neck down. Just be sure to avoid getting any water on the cast.

Q:How do I wash my face?

A: You can wash your face using wet towels, Neutrogena wipes or other products similar that do not have the possibility of getting water on the cast.

Q: Can I wear glasses with my cast?

A: Yes, you can wear glasses with your cast. However, you cannot wear glasses for 6 weeks once the cast is off. The glasses can put excess pressure on the nose so until 6 weeks of healing has occurred, we recommend no glasses.


Q: How long do I have to wait before I can completely submerge my head in water?

A: You have to wait at least 4 weeks for the cuts inside your nose to fully heal so that you can submerge your head in water. This reduces the chance of getting bacteria in your cuts and decreases the risk of infection.

Q: When can I drink alcohol again after the surgery?

A: We advise that you wait 6 full weeks after surgery before you resume drinking alcohol.

Q: When can I drink coffee?

A: We advise that you wait 6 full weeks after surgery before you resume drinking caffeine. We know this might be difficult for some patients used to drinking coffee or tea daily. If you must resume before the 6 weeks, we advise ½ cup or ¼ cup a day if needed.

Q: When can I start smoking again?

A: There is a strict no smoking policy (tobacco, marijuana or other) for 6 weeks after surgery. It will impair the healing process significantly. There are NO exceptions to this.

Q: Can I be active with my cast on?

A: Yes, you can do light activities including walking, going out to lunch/dinner, and shopping. No extreme activity is allowed including lifting weights or excessive exercise during the first 7 days postop (when the cast is on). Between any activity, icing is recommended.

Q: Can I blow my nose?

A: You cannot blow your nose for the first three weeks after surgery. This is because it can cause bleeding and it can increase swelling in the nose. You can, however, sniff back whatever is dripping from your nose and either swallow or spit it out.


Q: How do I ice?

A: Use 4 fresh ice cubes in each of the 4 fingers of the glove each time. Tie the glove using the thumb and the wrist area. Please also refrain from using ice compresses or frozen peas. Icing should last 30 minutes. Please place a kleenex or papertowel over your eyes, and place the ice glove over that (2 fingers over each eye, tucked next to the nose).

Q: Can I refreeze my ice glove?

A: No, you cannot refreeze your ice glove. Use 4 fresh ice cubes in each of the 4 fingers in a NEW glove each time. Please also refrain from using ice compresses or frozen peas. Icing should last 30 minutes. Please place a kleenex or papertowel over your eyes, and place the ice glove over that (2 fingers over each eye, tucked next to the nose).

Q: How often do I ice?

A: Week 1: You should be icing 6 times each day for 30 minutes each time. Use the ice glove method. The ice glove method is using fresh ice in each of the four fingers, placing 2 fingers over each eye, tucked near the nose. Remember to put a tissue underneath the ice glove so the cast does not get wet from condensation. Once the cast is removed, then you should ice 3 times a day for the following 5 weeks.


Q: Is it normal for my gums to be sensitive?

A: Yes, it is very normal for your gums, tongue, and teeth to feel sensitive. You may even have no sensation of your gums at all. This is normal due to the nerves that Dr. Dugar cut in your nose being connected to your mouth area. The sensation will return to normal and have no effect on your overall healing process.

Q: When can I brush my teeth, wear my invisalign, or wear my retainer?

A: You can brush your teeth, wear invisalign, or wear a retainer or any other dental instrument the next morning. Just be gentle to avoid too much pressure on the nose. Also be aware, your gums and teeth might be sensitive from surgery, which is normal and will improve.


Q: Is it normal to sneeze a lot or for my eyes to be watering?

A: Yes, it is very normal to sneeze after surgery, especially if you have sponges in your nose (after breathing surgery). You may also have watery eyes. For sneezing, just sneeze with your mouth wide open. Do not try to hold back the sneeze. This will all improve when the sponges are removed in clinic.

Q: Is it normal to have a sore throat after surgery?

A: Yes, it is normal to have a sore throat after surgery. The sore throat is from the the anesthesia process and will return to normal in a couple of days. You may use Chloraseptic sprays or throat lozenges to help. Cool things like ice, ice cream, etc also can help.

Q: I notice I have tape residue on my hand or elbow, is this normal?

A: Yes, it is normal and from the anesthesia process. You can use soap and water or alcohol wipes to clean it off.

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