Deepak Dugar MD
Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Center, POP-UP CLINIC in New York City on May 5th, 2023!

Dr. Dugar will be seeing in-person Rhinoplasty consultation patients at Dr. Sachin M. Shridharani's office in NYC for one day only on May 5th, 2023:

LUXURGERY©880 5th Ave 1 ABCD
New York, NY 10021

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A beautiful face of a female patient after a scarless rhinoplasty


Deepak raj Dugar, md

Plastic Surgeon located in Beverly Hills, CA

A lot of surgeons are comfortable with using scarring procedures when it comes to performing Rhinoplasty, but Dr. Dugar goes above and beyond for his patients. At Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Center™ located in Los Angeles, CA, Dr. Dugar offers Closed Scarless Rhinoplasty for his patients.

Dr. Deepak Dugar, best plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, CA smiling to a patient

“Some things we do, should go unnoticed.”

Dr. Deepak Dugar

Dr. Deepak Dugar is a board certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his entire Medspa practice to only injectable procedures in Beverly Hills, CA. Using the same niche concepts of the Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Center™, Scarless Medspa ™ patients can expect expert treatment options catered to them with subtle scarless solutions.

Non-surgically, Dr. Dugar performs a wide variety of scarless injections to help finesse your face and body to maximize your beauty without drastic or major change. Dr. Dugar feels the pendulum has swung too far and people have been abusing botox and fillers and wants to help restore the balance toward soft, subtle transformations. Dr. Dugar himself performs all the injectables including facial fillers, botox, kybella, and PRP (platelet-rich plasma) for his patients. The goal is to simply enhance the painting that is your face, not change it.

Dr. Dugar’s philosophy on non-surgical procedures is similar to that of his Scarless Nose™ philosophy. He believes anything being done should 1) look natural and 2) have minimal risk. Anytime you do anything to your face or body, the risk vs benefit ratio must always be analyzed. When the risk is small and the benefit is big, you should feel comfortable pursuing it. But when the risk is big and the benefit is small, you should avoid going down this road.

Unfortunately, the current trends in the injectable and laser practices across the country are leaning towards unsafe practices and the “plastic” look, which our patients want to avoid. The use of harsh lasers and irreversible, permanent injectable products have become widely embraced but Dr. Dugar adamantly disagrees with this. Dr. Dugar always states, “Permanent products can cause permanent problems.” Dr. Dugar believes in doing safe filler techniques with safe reversible hyaluronic acid based products only. We truly believe “less is more” with fillers and Botox.

Dr. Dugar is sought after by international clients, actresses, celebrities and media personalities looking for subtle minimal finesse work because they need to be back in front of the camera without anyone ever noticing what they did. He believes proper use of Botox and fillers to enhance or rejuvenate a face should go completely unnoticed, just like a natural rhinoplasty. Good work should go unnoticed because it doesn’t draw attention, but rather balances the harmony of the face overall.


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Test out our new FaceTouchUp Nose Morph tool to see if you're a candidate for our scarless nose procedure!

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