The nose plays an important role in overall facial harmony. Its size and shape can emphasize or detract attention from your other facial features, giving it an outsized effect on your appearance.

That’s why the nose can be a source of insecurity for many people — enough to make rhinoplasty (a nose surgery or nose job) the most common surgical procedure on the face. Data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons show that an average of about 220,000 procedures are done every year.

At Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Center, many of our patients approach us with a very common concern: a bulbous nose tip.

As the name suggests, a bulbous nose refers to a condition where the end of one’s nose is excessively rounded or bulging. In some cases, the tip might also be upturned, droopy, or hooked. Some nose tips can also be much wider than the nose bridge. This throws off one’s facial symmetry and creates an unflattering look.

Below are before-and-after photos of patients who went through a nose job to fix their bulbous nose:

Seasoned plastic surgeons like Dr. Deepak Raj Dugar have spent years mastering their craft to achieve the most natural-looking results. If you wish to learn more about a bulbous nose job or bulbous nose tip rhinoplasty, this comprehensive guide will give you all the information you need.

Here’s what to expect from this article:

What causes a bulbous nose to develop?

In general, a bulbous nose is genetic in nature. There are several physiological factors that can lead to such an appearance:

  • Oversized lower lateral cartilage — It may be that your nose has a larger lower lateral cartilage, which can lead to a pronounced nasal tip.
  • Convex nasal cartilage — Ideally, the lower lateral cartilage is either relatively flat or only slightly convex. People with a rounded nose tip, however, have cartilages that are especially rounded.
  • Cartilage position — If the cartilage is positioned more vertically than is ideal, it may make the nose tip fuller in appearance.
  • Tissue coverage — Excessive soft-tissue may be concentrated at the tip of the nose, thus causing the area to look more bulbous.

In many cases, a combination of these factors will make the nose look rounded and protruding. One frequently cited — yet erroneous — reason you may find online for bulbous noses is alcohol consumption. There is absolutely no connection between drinking alcoholic beverages and the development of bulbous noses.

Do you need a bulbous nose job?

To better understand if you do have a bulbous nose tip and if you can remedy it with surgery, here are four key questions you must consider:

  • Is the end of your nose overly prominent or ill-defined?
  • Is the tip rounded or bulging?
  • Is there a marked difference in symmetry between the upper and lower halves of your nose?
  • Does the tip interrupt the gently curving line that runs from the top to the end of your nose?

If you answered yes to most of these questions, you may be a good candidate for bulbous nose tip surgery. The following sections will delve deeper into this delicate procedure so you can better understand its benefits.

Is bulbous nose tip rhinoplasty safe and effective?

While all surgical procedures in general carry some risk, a nose job to correct a bulbous tip is minimally invasive — making it safe for the vast majority of patients.

Thanks to major advances in plastic surgery and Dr. Dugar’s expert and refined approach, getting a nose job on a bulbous tip can yield great results. After the procedure, your nose will look natural and balanced in relation to your other facial features.

Here’s a snapshot what happens if you decide to get surgery for your bulbous nose tip:

You may also enjoy the following amazing results if you choose to undergo bulbous nose tip rhinoplasty with Dr. Dugar:

  • Scarless — Dr. Dugar is an expert on closed rhinoplasty or Scarless Nose® jobs. In this method, all incisions are made inside the nose so no external scars are produced. Since bulbous nose tip surgery involves reshaping a specific part of the nose, this surgical technique is highly compatible.
  • Improved confidence — If you’ve always been conscious about your prominent nose tip, getting a nose job for a bulbous nose could give you some much-needed confidence. This boost in self-esteem can change the way you look at yourself and the world.
  • Swift outpatient procedure — Most patients are surprised to discover that a bulbous nose job can be completed within two hours. Even better is that it’s an outpatient procedure, removing the need for long confinement. Most people can get back to normal day-to-day life in around one week.
  • Subtle transformation — Instead of giving you an overhaul, bulbous nose tip rhinoplasty enhances what’s already there. After undergoing the procedure, there will be a subtle but positive change to your look — one that gets you compliments, not awkward questions.

How exactly does rhinoplasty fix a bulbous nose tip?

Bulbous nose tip rhinoplasty improves your facial harmony and overall appearance through the following surgical methods:

  • Suture reshaping — Suturing is used to bring the domal segments of the lower lateral cartilage, narrowing the tip of the nose. As time goes by, the sutures will eventually be absorbed by the body as if they were never there.
  • Cephalic trimming — The lower alar cartilages are horse-shoe shaped cartilages that determine the position and shape of the nose’s tip. If it is especially prominent, it can cause your nose to have a wider and more bulbous shape. A cephalic trim involves removing part of the lower alar cartilages to create a narrow nasal tip.
  • Cartilage grafting — A patient’s own cartilage can be culled from one area and grafted onto another to reshape the nose. By placing the grafted cartilage in strategic locations, plastic surgeons like Dr. Dugar can improve tip definition and create an aesthetically pleasing nose line.
  • Open or closed rhinoplasty — About 99% of plastic surgeons employ what’s called open rhinoplasty, which involves making an external incision at the base of the nose. This technique gives surgeons easy access to the nose’s tissue envelope, but it leaves a permanent scar. In contrast, closed rhinoplasty uses internal incisions, thus leaving no visible scars and therefore more natural-looking results.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for a bulbous nose tip. Some patients with bulbous noses even ask us to make additional corrections to address other issues like a dorsal hump on the nasal dorsum (nose bridge).

A seasoned plastic surgeon like Dr. Dugar will carefully assess your nose’s unique structure to determine the best technique that can achieve your desired results.

How much does a bulbous nose job cost?

Dr. Dugar devises bespoke rhinoplasty plans for each client. A typical nose job on a bulbous tip ranges from $14,000 – $18,000 for primary noses (i.e. noses that have never been operated on). Meanwhile revision rhinoplasty starts at $18,000 and might cost more depending on the specific enhancements or revisions you want.

Can you get rid of a bulbous nose without surgery?

There are non-surgical procedures to remedy the issue of a bulbous nose tip. Informally, these are called liquid nose jobs. That’s because plastic surgeons utilize reversible hyaluronic acid-based fillers like Juvederm, which are perfectly safe and FDA-approved.

Dr. Dugar uses these dermal fillers to expertly contour the nose and hide facial asymmetries if you don’t want to go under the knife. The procedure takes 10 minutes or less, with no downtime or recovery period. Results can last for one to three years.

Here’s a short video that demonstrates how this non-surgical procedure is done:

What precautions should be taken prior to a bulbous nose job?

The following are typical pre-surgery precautions that Dr. Dugar recommends to ensure safety and comfort during the operation:

  • Avoid taking unprescribed medicines — Doing so will allow the anesthesia to come into full effect during the operation. Before your procedure, let us know if you are taking any medication, including prescription drugs, vitamins, cannabinoid-based medications, and supplements.
  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure for 10 days — Strong sunlight can inflame your skin and prolong the healing process. Two weeks before your scheduled bulbous nose job, avoid sun exposure and don’t use tanning beds. Slather on an SPF 30 sunscreen if you can’t avoid heading out.
  • Refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol for four weeks — All surgeries involve some level of bleeding. Unfortunately, alcohol can thin your blood. This can interfere with your body’s ability to form wound-healing blood clots. Meanwhile, smoking reduces blood flow which can further delay the closing of surgical wounds. This can also weaken your immune system, increasing your susceptibility to post-op infection.
  • Don’t drink caffeine for two weeks — You should also stop drinking caffeinated beverages two weeks before your bulbous nose tip rhinoplasty. Caffeine is known to increase blood pressure. This can be a problem if you suffer from hypertension and/or heart ailments.
  • Don’t drink citrus juices for 24 hours before surgery — Fruit juices are highly acidic and can irritate your stomach. We recommend steering clear of citrus-based beverages before your surgery to avoid having an upset stomach while going under the knife.
  • Don’t eat or drink after midnight before your surgery — You must refrain from eating and drinking at least 12 hours before your bulbous nose job. General anesthesia works best when you have an empty stomach.

How do you recover after a bulbous nose job?

While a bulbous nose job is minimally invasive, it is still a surgical operation. Hence, patients require ample post-op care to facilitate a fast and trouble-free recovery. Below are some recovery tips from Dr. Dugar:

  • Stay in bed and keep your head elevated for the first 24 hours — Your body needs time to recover from your bulbous nose job, so spend the following day on bed rest. To prevent swelling and to minimize pain, always keep your head higher than your body. If you’re dealing with post-op pain, you are allowed to take only TYLENOL® in the recommended dosage.
  • Use an ice glove compress five times a day — After the surgery, blood vessels in your nasal region will dilate to ferry more blood into the incision sites, helping the wounds heal faster. Unfortunately, this may also result in swelling and discomfort. Dr. Dugar recommends using the provided ice glove compress up to five times a day to control inflammation.
  • Eat soft, light, and cool food — Traces of general anesthesia will still be in your system the following day. To protect you from potential side effects, avoid eating hard or tough food. This will keep you from chewing excessively, an act that can aggravate the nasal region. Stay away from hot or spicy food as well as they can dilate blood vessels and exacerbate swelling.
  • Don’t blow your nose for about two weeks — Incisions heal faster if they are left undisturbed which is why blowing your nose must be avoided. If it feels like there is obstruction or drainage in your nose (which is normal for many patients), you may gently sniff up, swallow, or spit out any contents. Don’t blow your nose and try to clean the nasal cavity. If you must sneeze, do so with your mouth open to avoid any pressure on the incision sites.
  • Don’t brush your front teeth on the first day after surgery — Brushing your front teeth may be uncomfortable. This is because the muscles of your upper lip and nose are closely connected. For the time being, only brush your lower teeth and gently gargle some mouthwash. You can return to normal brushing 48 hours after the procedure.
  • Don’t expose your nose to the sun for the next six weeks — Excessive sunlight may cause swelling, which can hamper recovery.
  • Avoid sports and extreme activities for the first three months after your procedure — Trauma to the nose can undo the benefits of rhinoplasty, which is why plastic surgeons temporarily advise against activities where the risk of injury is high. Workouts such as running, jumping, or jogging should also be avoided, along with those that involve bending your head forward. Give swimming a pass, too, as pool water might contain bacteria that can trigger infections.
  • Don’t wear heavy glasses for about six weeks — Your nasal region will be very tender in the next few weeks. Avoid heavy eyewear and, for the meantime, stick to thinner-framed glasses or switch to contact lenses to avoid discomfort.
  • Take prescribed medications — To help manage pain and promote healing, Dr. Dugar will prescribe medications that include analgesics, anti-inflammatories, and antibiotics. Be sure to take all of these as prescribed to avoid any post-op complications.

If you’d like more information about pre-op preparations and post-op care, you may download this comprehensive guide.

Why should you consult with Dr. Deepak Raj Dugar?

There are many plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills, but Dr. Dugar is the only board-certified rhinoplasty surgeon who is a bonafide Scarless Nose®; Surgery expert. He understands that surgery on a bulbous nose tip is equal parts medicine and art form.

Dr. Dugar began his journey into cosmetic surgery at George Washington University, where he was admitted into the highly competitive seven-year B.A./M.D. combined medical program. During his studies in D.C., he sought mentorship under legendary cosmetic surgeons such as Dr. Raj Kanodia, Dr. Jean Louis Sebagh, Dr. Bruce Feldman, Dr. Eugene Tardy, Dr. Norman Pastorek, and Dr. Sherrel Aston.

Dr. Dugar continued his training at the elite Facial Plastic Surgery program at The University of North Carolina. There, he was recognized as “Best Plastic Surgery Intern of the Year.” After graduating and getting his board certification, he earned an Advanced Closed Rhinoplasty Fellowship with Dr. Kanodia, a world-renowned practitioner of Scarless Nose®; Surgery.

His artful surgical technique has attracted Dr. Dugar a roster of A-list clients, including celebrities, models, and athletes. He has also served as a contributor and advisor to The Huffington Post, Allure Magazine, Haute Living, Refinery 29, CBS’ The Doctors, E! News, and Sirius XM Radio.

Experience the Scarless Nose®; difference. Click here to schedule a consultation with Dr. Dugar.

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