If you are currently living in Chicago and the surrounding Chicago area and are looking to get refinement to your nose then contact us at info(at)scarlessnose(dotted)com or call/text us at 310.276.1703!
We love our out of town patients, and we try to make it as easy as possible for you to meet and get in contact with Dr. Deepak Dugar. We understand how hard it is to find an honest surgeon and we value every patient that travels to come see him! We will set up a Skype/Facetime consultation for you and Dr. Dugar so that he can evaluate whether you are a candidate for the Scarless Nose™ technique! In this consultation you will also discuss your desires for your nose, and here will plan what will happen in surgery! This way you can meet him in the comfort of your own home, and evaluate whether to travel to us!
Dr. Dugar is very hands on with every single patient once they arrive in Los Angeles! The staff will give you exactly the care that you want and deserve! Before surgery you have the opportunity to meet Dr. Dugar again in person to verify that your aesthetic plan is exactly the same! He values the trust you put in him!
If you or any of your friends are looking to get a rhinoplasty with the expert in noses, then contact us through email, phone, or text! We look forward to hearing from you!
Deepak Dugar MD
Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Center™
Phone: 310.276.1703