Deepak Dugar MD
Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Center, POP-UP CLINIC in New York City on May 5th, 2023!

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How to Register to Vote 2020 – California Edition

rolling voting stamps as background image to the text

Now more than ever, voting is so important. This year we have seen plenty of very important political topics come to fruition; plans have been enacted and emotions are running high. While the emotions are high, we must harness that energy and apply it to make change that we want to see! Whether you are Republican, Democrat, or anything in betwen we must do our civic duty and vote! The first step to voting is to register!

If you missed National Voting Day yesterday, you still have time to register depending on your state. You may check your specific states registration deadline here. If you are from California, you still have until October 19, 2020 to register!

In California, we have the ability to register online, by mail, or in person. We do have some qualifications that need to be met to register that include: being a United States citizen, a resident of California, be at least 18 years or older on Election Day, not currently in jail or on parole for conviction of a felony, or not be currently found to be mentally incompetant.

Voting online:

Voting online is available in 40 out of the 50 states. California enacted online voting in 2011, and implemented 2012. The online voter registration is available in 9 other languages besides English including Spanish, Hindi, Japanese, and Tagalog to name a few. You can find the link to register in California here. To register online you will need your California drivers license or ID card, the last 4 digits of your social security, and your date of birth. However, if you do not have a drivers license or a CA ID card then you may still vote online. You will have to go through extra identification questions to verify that it is you. You may also use this link to pre register if you are the ages of 16 or 17, and are turning 18 by the time of the election!

Mail in or in Person:

The national mail voter registration form can be found here. The form can be found in 15 different languages. You can either mail the application in to the specific address designated for your state or you may bring it in person to your local voter registration office. If you are a first time voter you need proof of identification by either a valid photo or a bill, check, or government document.

Please send it to:

Secretary of State Elections Division
1500 11th Street, 5th Floor Sacramento, CA 95814

Voting doesn’t take a long time, and is great for your community. Let us know if this is helpful and go register to vote!

Check out this link if you have any more questions!

Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Center™


Phone: 310.276.1703

Email: info(at)scarlessnose(dotted)com


Dr. Deepak Dugar

Director of Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Center - Home of the Scarless Nose™ (Closed Rhinoplasty) Director of Scarless Med Spa

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