Deepak Dugar MD
Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Center, POP-UP CLINIC in New York City on May 5th, 2023!

Dr. Dugar will be seeing in-person Rhinoplasty consultation patients at Dr. Sachin M. Shridharani's office in NYC for one day only on May 5th, 2023:

LUXURGERY©880 5th Ave 1 ABCD
New York, NY 10021

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face of an elegant woman facing right beside the text Scarless Nose Rhinoplasty by Dr. Deepak Dugar M.D
Scarless Nose

Guide to Festival Season

Everyone’s favorite festivals of the season are just around the corner! Find out some tips and tricks that can help prevent inhaling and sniffing up all the dust from a long musical weekend.

During outdoor summer festivals for example, Lollapalooza, Outside Lands and Hard Summer or Coachella it can get very dusty and hot during the day, and at night it can get really cold and the remenants of smoke from the fireworks can cause some serious congestion. We reccomend bringing with you some saline nasal sprays to help loosen any mucus that has formed from all the dust in the air. Another great tip to surviving festival season is buying an Ait Filter Mask that can protect you from small particles in smoke or dusty air that could potentially damage your lungs and cause nasal irritation.

If you’re concerend that all the dirt and dust left you questioning your nasal health, then call or email Dr. Deepak Dugar and his staff at the Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Center today to book a one on one honest consultation to find out if you are a candidate for a Scarless Functional Rhinoplasty surgery.

Deepak Dugar MD

Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Center

Phone 310.276.1703

Email: info(at)scarlessnose(dotted)com


Dr. Deepak Dugar

Director of Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Center - Home of the Scarless Nose™ (Closed Rhinoplasty) Director of Scarless Med Spa

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