Patient 34 Description This is a 23-year-old model came to us with concerns of difficulty breathing and a strong dorsal hump she wanted reduced. As seen from her side profile, she had a classically beautiful nose but for her she felt it was too strong. Also from her base view you can see how crooked her base of her nose and septum are. As all our patients, she didn’t want an open reconstructive rhinoplasty, therefore through our closed Scarless Nose® Rhinoplasty, we performed the following manuevers . For her small dorsal hump , we shaved her dorsal hump to create an elegant profile . She had an under-rotated nasal tip; therefore , we performed tip deprojection with feminine rotation. She also had crooked, undefined nasal tip with caudal septum deflection , therefore we performed correction of deviated septum with refinement of the nasal tip . She also had wide nasal bones therefore we performed narrowing of the nasal bones.